Beyond Reasonable Doubt
What is the effort to take control of
your identity data? – 10 minutes
The registration business process (e-
Contrast this with the hours of significant effort and ability that identity thieves invest in stealing and synthesising your PPID from 3rd party datasets so they can effectively takeover your identity and proceed silently with online crime, in your name and without your knowledge (until it’s too late). We have often been asked how long the registration process takes? – whilst an important consideration, the effort needs to reflect the value that deters identity theft.
When we consider that 10 minutes enables control by the real Identity Owner over their genuine identity (PPID) as opposed to weeks and months of stressful rectification, recovering your identity that identity thieves have abused and left you liable for – this 10 minute effort has a high return on investment; the opportunity for identity theft is removed as the real Identity Owner has taken CONTROL.
The real question (rhetorical) is “how much value does the real Identity Owner place on their PPID?”. This data is commercially sold on the dark web for considerable sums as it is valuable to successful online crime because it’s not under the control of the real owner.
Establishing identity accurately is not a trivial task and much relies on the integrity of the process that is data protection compliant. Equally the process needs to be as frictionless and efficient as possible in terms of time and effort.
This is why e-
Is claiming and taking control of our valuable identity (PPID) worth 10 minutes?
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